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Kickoff Time!

On January 30, 2018, we had a Zoom Conference call (a video call) with all the other grant winners. Everyone had amazing ideas, each idea is different, unique, and I would love to give them a try one day. My next step is to talk to more people, to our school’s music teacher, Ofer, and to continue meeting with my Torah teacher, Ms. Shrem, and with my app prototype developer, Aryeh. Aryeh will help me design my final logo and the app itself. Together with Ms. Shrem and Mrs. Israel, we will produce the first few songs (about the following topics my class is going to learn) that will be added add to the app. After we have the app, we will test it by taking a few of my classmates and giving them two different Torah tests. One test will be given by students studying in their own way, and the second will be with a different group of students using my app (by using a song) and see on which one they did better on! Look at for my new design, my tests, and the analysis of results! I really feel that this app will make Jewish learning more inspirational and help students to make a deeper connection to the Torah and our Jewish traditions.

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